Sunday, December 18, 2016

Black boxes will make self-governing cars safer

Municipalities cars have the potential to change the way we move around town. Companies like Google and Uber still looking for ways to make them maximum safety for passengers and other road users. Producers of autonomous self-governing cars safer already received permission to conduct public tests with them in some US states such as California and Michigan. The idea is these real experiments to improve their security, but people get used to their presence on the road.


Representatives of the American Association of Vehicle Administrators organization already discussed a package of measures to make the self-governing cars safer for pedestrians and other drivers, police DigitalTrends. One of their ideas is the leading cars have “black boxes” similar to those used in passenger aircraft. Thanks to this component car will send data to the organization, which will allow constant monitoring.
The Black boxes will make self-governing cars safer
It is envisaged that the adoption of laws regulating the number of social and economic issues. The organization draws attention to the fact that the advent of self-cars will lead to loss of jobs in public transport. The new measures will regulate the manner of functioning autonomous cars in the next 50 years. We can be sure that European Union regulators will also take similar steps to ensure the security of the self-governing cars.

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